Male or Female?
Many people have longstanding preferences for either males or females. Others wonder which would be best for them.
We recommend River Stone customers consider a variety of factors when making their choice:
1) Size: Our males will average, as adults, between 65 and 73 pounds. Females will average, as adults, between 50 and 55 pounds.
2) Disposition: We consider sex to be a neutral consideration when choosing our dogs. It is true that many prospective customers come to us believing a female will be easier for them to "control." We are extremely cautious when choosing which of our animals to breed. Our experience is that River Stone Kennels males are just as kind and controllable as our females.
3) Hunting ability: No difference here. Males, given their larger size, necessarily are stronger animals. But females can be every bit as effective in the field.
4) Family makeup/children: In some instances, if small children are in a family, size of a pet can be a factor.
5) Neuter/Spay: Males can be neutered and females spayed with no adverse effects on their working abilities or personalities. But metabolisms of certain individual animals may slow as a result of these procedures, requiring a closer watch of their food intake to prevent weight gain.
River Stone breeds athletic black and yellow Labradors. There are no chocolate Labradors among the better British field lines. Yellow coat color may range from very light yellow to dark yellow dependent on the bitch/sire combination.
Average weight will depend on the sire/dam combination.