A new reservation placed now will most likely result in a pup from a late winter 2025/ early spring 2026 litter.

That availability estimate for a new reservation could change given the following factors which will determine the waiting time for a pup: 1) size of litters whelped. We could get litter sizes of 9–12 pups versus 4-8 pups, 2) some people who are ahead of you on a list might pass on some litters, moving your name up, 3) people reserve their puppies for the following year(s), 4) people postpone puppy deliveries for a variety of reasons, most often personal, family vacations, vacation schedule, family moves or house-building projects that are behind schedule, 5) we continue to import breeding females during the year to replace females that retire (Note: our females retire quickly from the breeding program as we only produce two-three litters from each female).

This is a tentative breeding list.  We may reduce or add more breedings depending on actual heat cycles and whelp dates. New breeding females are acquired throughout the year as we purchase and import stock or younger females come of breeding age.  Some breeding combinations of sires and dams may change.  We may also move breedings to the next heat cycle (6 months later) to avoid producing too many litters at once. In addition, since all of our females are hunting dogs, we may avoid breeding them in July and August so that they are not nursing pups during the fall hunting season.  Since females can come into heat +/- a full month from their expected heat cycle all the estimated whelping dates listed could be as much as +/- a month. When a female actually comes into heat, then we update the breeding list to reflect the actual expected whelping date.

2025 Breedings:

Lady Koa May of River Stone (BF)
x Jocksburn Brock (a.k.a Brock) (YM)
Whelp Date: March 2025 (bred)
Puppies will be black and yellow.

Newborn Video | 1-week video | 2-week video | 3-week video | 4-week video | 5-week video | 6-week video

River Stone’s Blessed Mess (a.k.a Cora) (YF)
x Luisenga Bud of Craighorn (BM)
Whelp Date: April 2025 (bred)
Puppies will be yellow and black.

Newborn Video | 1-week video | 2-week video | 3-week video | 4-week video | 5-week video | 6-week video

Kate (BF)
x Boris (YM)
Whelp Date: April 2025 (bred)
Puppies will be black and yellow

Newborn Video | 1-week video | 2-week video | 3-week video | 4-week video | 5-week video | 6-week video

Lou (BF)
x Abergowans Clyde (YM)
Whelp Date: April 2025 (bred)
Puppies will be black and yellow

Newborn Video | 1-week video | 2-week video | 3-week video | 4-week video | 5-week video | 6-week video

Tia (BF)
x Boris
Whelp Date: May 2025 (bred)
Puppies will be yellow and black.

Newborn Video | 1-week video | 2-week video | 3-week video | 4-week video | 5-week video | 6-week video

Millie (YF)
x Luisenga Bud of Craighorn (BM)
Whelp Date: May 2025 (in heat)
Puppies will be black and yellow.

Newborn Video | 1-week video | 2-week video | 3-week video | 4-week video | 5-week video | 6-week video

Lady Rossi of River Stone (BF)
x Harperrig Going Solo (a.k.a Solo) (BM)
Whelp Date: May 2025 (in heat)
Puppies will be black and yellow.

Newborn Video | 1-week video | 2-week video | 3-week video | 4-week video | 5-week video | 6-week video

Olive (BF)
x Minstead Strike (a.k.a Strike) (BM)
Whelp Date: May 2025
Puppies will be black and yellow.

Newborn Video | 1-week video | 2-week video | 3-week video | 4-week video | 5-week video | 6-week video

Maia (BF)
x Minstead Strike (a.k.a Strike) (BM)
Whelp Date: May 2025
Puppies will be black and yellow.

Newborn Video | 1-week video | 2-week video | 3-week video | 4-week video | 5-week video | 6-week video

Harley (YF)
x Luisenga Bud of Craighorn (BM)
Whelp Date: May 2025
Puppies will be black and yellow.

Newborn Video | 1-week video | 2-week video | 3-week video | 4-week video | 5-week video | 6-week video

Babs (YF)
x Luisenga Bud of Craighorn (BM)
Whelp Date: June 2025
Puppies will be black and yellow.

Newborn Video | 1-week video | 2-week video | 3-week video | 4-week video | 5-week video | 6-week video

Rylee (YF)
x Minstead Strike (a.k.a Strike) (BM)
Whelp Date: August 2025
Puppies will be black and yellow.

Newborn Video | 1-week video | 2-week video | 3-week video | 4-week video | 5-week video | 6-week video

Lena (YF)
x Jocksburn Tucker (a.k.a Tucker) (YM)
Whelp Date: August 2025
Puppies will be black and yellow.

Newborn Video | 1-week video | 2-week video | 3-week video | 4-week video | 5-week video | 6-week video

Darby (YF)
x Harrperig Going Solo (BM)
Whelp Date: August 2025
Puppies will be black and yellow.

Newborn Video | 1-week video | 2-week video | 3-week video | 4-week video | 5-week video | 6-week video

Pip (BF)
x Jocksburn Tucker (a.k.a Tucker) (YM)
Whelp Date: October 2025
Puppies will be black and yellow.

Newborn Video | 1-week video | 2-week video | 3-week video | 4-week video | 5-week video | 6-week video

Mae (BF)
x Minstead Strike (a.k.a Strike) (BM)
Whelp Date: November 2025
Puppies will be black and yellow.

Newborn Video | 1-week video | 2-week video | 3-week video | 4-week video | 5-week video | 6-week video

(This list is in progress and will continue to be updated)

For females not bred yet, “Estimated Whelp Date” indicates an estimated date that the female will whelp her puppies based on the approximate date we expect her to come into heat. Please keep in mind that females do not always cycle on a regular basis. These anticipated dates are hopeful estimates. For females that have been bred, “Expected Whelp Date” is based on the typical gestation of 58 days from her first day bred. Average gestation is 58-63 days so the date may vary by 5 or more days. Pregnancies are confirmed around 35 days of gestation.

TBD means To Be Determined. We will decide whom to mate the bitch to giving consideration to the following:

1. available River Stone Kennels sires, which we are continually importing new stock.
2. previous matings who have proven to be excellent combinations in their offspring.
3. DNA testing for identity of genetic recessive carriers of abnormalities such as Labrador Myopathy (CNM), Exercise Induced Collapse (EIC), Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA). Retinal Dysplasia and Oculoskeletal Dysplasia (RD/OSD), and Degenerative Myelopathy (DM), Hereditary Nasal Parakeratosis (HNPK) and Skeletal Dysplasia 2 (Dwarfism SD2), 
4. outcome for temperament, physical conformation, intelligence, instinctual hunting ability.

Please note: All of our puppies are sold AKC Limited Registration only. The dog is registered with the American Kennel Club with the restriction that you cannot register that dog's offspring with the AKC. This means you cannot breed your dog. We do this to protect our British bloodlines and our breeding business. Also it discourages the indiscriminate backyard breeder.